SBQP Approach 4

SBQP Approach 4

Under the Quality Support Program, Bharti Foundation works along with Government schools, its leadership and teachers, to support them in articulating and achieving their goals towards creating better schooling experience for their students. The program is developed around the principle of building on the existing wealth of knowledge among teachers, their passion for teaching and the success of their students. Bharti Foundation initiates a dialogue and continuously engages with various stakeholders of the schools to evoke aspirations, identify needs, ways to bridge critical gaps and set goals to develop schools into institutions of learning and nurturing for the all-round growth of students.

The program adopts a two-pronged approach to facilitate the desired change. It optimizes on the existing strengths and provides catalytic support to bridge gaps identified by the schools’ leadership team, ensuring that the schools experience success by building on their own capabilities and motivation.

Program is led by a trained Mentor over a cluster of 10 – 15 schools. The mentor’s key role is to help the school create a road map of changes; provide technical advice/ school processes for improvement, facilitate activities by motivating teachers and students. Schools experience impact in terms of:

  • At School level: Clarity of vision and goals lead to introduction of new activities/processes in schools with teachers taking charge. Teachers feel energized because of students’ interest in school activities which flows into classroom interactions also. Engaged teachers result in better teaching with many experimenting with innovative tools.
  • Increased student-activity in schools; better exposure; participation in competitions, winning awards increases the confidence and belief in students; leadership skills lead to contribution in school improvement. Motivated students aspire for a better future and work towards it.
  • Increased participation of parents and community in the school events; donation of resources towards school infrastructure, new activities is experienced along with improved participation of parents in school management (SMC).
  • Schools appear cleaner; greener and creative artworks of students makes for a vibrant school environment; facilities like labs, libraries, toilets etc revived and functional.