Terms and Conditions

Terms of Use:

1. Agreement to Terms

These terms of use constitute a legally binding agreement between user and Bharti Foundation, concerning access to use of the website/mobile app or any other media form of www.bhartifoundation.org or any app linked therein (hereinafter referred as “Site” or “Platform”) owned & maintained by Bharti Foundation. Your use/access/browsing of the Platform or Site or the Services or products or registration (with or without payment/with or without subscription) shall signify that you have read, understood and agreed to be bound by all of these terms of use along with the Privacy Policy (collectively the “Agreement”). We also provide details regarding our processing of personal data in our Privacy Policy

Any changes or modifications to the terms of use shall be updated on site.

If User does not agree with all of these terms of use, then user is expressly prohibited from using the site/application and must discontinue immediately.

The site/application is intended for users who are at least 18 years of age. All users who are minor are not allowed to register on website/app.

The app or website may facilitate certain competitions. Not all such competition will be directly managed by Bharti Foundation. In respect of competitions that Bharti Foundation directly manages, there will be endeavor to ensure fairness in declaration of results. However, no challenge to the results shall be entertained in any manner and in any circumstances.

2. Intellectual Property Rights

The Site is our proprietary property and all source code, databases, functionality, software, website designs, audio, video, text, photographs, and graphics on the Site (collectively, the “Content”) and the trademarks, service marks, and logos contained therein (the “Marks”) are owned or controlled by us or licensed to us, and are protected by copyright and trademark laws and various other intellectual property rights.

Except as expressly provided in these Terms of Use, no part of the Site and no Content or Marks may be copied, reproduced, aggregated, republished, uploaded, posted, publicly displayed, encoded, translated, transmitted, distributed, sold, licensed, or otherwise exploited for any commercial or other purpose whatsoever, except the purposes expressly allowed herein, without our express prior written permission.

Provided that you are eligible to use the Site, you are granted a limited license to access and use the Site and to download or print a copy of any portion of the Content to which you have properly gained access solely for your own, non-commercial use. This does not include right to alter or distribute. We reserve all rights not expressly granted to you in and to the Site, the Content and the Marks.

You agree to grant us with a perpetual, non-exclusive, worldwide, irrevocable, sub-licensable, royalty-free right in all information you supply us on the Site. This is to enable us to use the information in accordance with these Terms.

3. User Representations

By using the Site, user represents and warrants that all registration information submitted is true, accurate, current, and complete and user has the legal capacity to agree with these Terms of Use and the user is not a minor. User will not access the Site through automated or non-human means, whether through a bot, script, or otherwise, user will not use the Site for any illegal or unauthorized purpose will not violate any applicable law or regulation.

If any inaccurate, untrue, incomplete or not current information is provided by the user, we have the right to suspend or terminate user’s account.

4. User Registration

User is required to register at site and keep the password/OTP confidential. For registration user is required to furnish name, mobile no, email, residential address etc. Users are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their user Id and password/OTP. We reserve the right to remove, reclaim, or change a username you select if such username is inappropriate, obscene, or otherwise objectionable.

5. Prohibited Activities

 The website, application and services are solely for user’s own purpose and not for commercial use.

The use of the application shall be subjected to restrictions such as:

  • Committing any act (including posting of any videos, blogs, comments, etc.) that amounts to the infringement of intellectual property or plagiarism or spamming.Making available any content that without having any rights on it.
  • Not to decompile, reverse engineer or disassemble the contents of application/website/services.
  • Not to use the application or website for commercial purposes or advertisement or sell application or services or domain names or solicit others.
  • Not to use application/website/services in any way that is unlawful or harms organization.
  • Not making available any content that is misleading, harmful, threatening, abusive, tortious, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, obscene, child-pornographic, profane, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable.
  • Stalking, intimidating or harassing another or inciting other to commit violence or impersonate any person or entity.
  • Transmitting material that encourages anyone to commit a criminal offence, that results in civil liability or otherwise breaches any relevant laws, regulations or code of practice;
  • Making, transmitting or storing electronic copies of materials protected by copyright without the permission of the owner
  • Post, transmit any material that contain viruses, Trojan horses, worms, spyware, time bombs, cancel bots, code, files or such programs that may harm the application/servicesof the app or other users.
  • Access or use application/website/services in a manner that could damage, disable, overburden or impair application/websites or networks connected to the servers.
  • Intentionally or unintentionally interfere or disrupt services or violate any laws or security to access or use or harm the application/website or services.
  • Use deep-links, page-scrape, robot, spider or any automatic device, program or methodology to increase traffic to any application/website.
  • Impersonate another person
  • Threatens the unity, integrity, defense, security or sovereignty of India, friendly relations with foreign States, or public order, or causes incitement to the commission of any cognizable offence or prevents investigation of any offence or is insulting other nation;
  • Alter or modify any part of the service.
  • Violate any terms specified under the terms of use of application/website or services.

6. User Generated Contributions

User will represent and warrant that- creation, distribution, transmission, public display or performance and the accessing, downloading or copying of any user contribution (in form of blogs, videos, comments, submissions for competitions, peer reviews) do not and will not infringe the proprietary rights including but not limited to copyright, patent, trademark or any third party rights.

7. Contribution License

Any content submitted by user through app shall grant us a worldwide, nonexclusive, royalty free license to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display and distribute such material in any and all media or distribution methods, Others may use the content in same way as any other content available.

8. Guidelines for Reviews

We may provide you areas on the Site to leave reviews or ratings. Reviews should not be offensive or abusive, racist or hate language or should not contain discriminatory references based on religion, race, gender, national origin, age, marital status, sexual orientation or disability or no reference to any illegal activity. User should not be affiliated with platform / organization providing similar services if posting negative reviews. Reviews should not be false or misleading.

9. Feedback

User acknowledge that any question, comments, suggestions, ideas, feedbacks provided to us are non-confidential and we shall own exclusive rights including all IPR’s and shall be entitled to unrestricted use and dissemination of these submission for any lawful purpose without acknowledgement or compensation to you.

Under no circumstances shall the Bharti Foundation or the platform or their employees be held responsible in any manner for any content provided by other users even such content is offensive, hurtful or offensive.

10. Third Party website, content and Advertising

The site may contain link to other websites (Third party websites). Such third party websites and content are not investigated, monitored or checked for accuracy, appropriateness or completeness by us, we are not responsible for any third party website accessed through the site. Such third party websites may allow advertising on their web pages and/or video and other content. You may want to refer terms and conditions of such websites for IPRs, publicity rights and contractual rights for such advertisers.

11. Acknowledgement to Sponsors

Bharti Foundation may provide acknowledgement to sponsors (corporates, foundations, individuals or others) for their financial and other support in respect of app, its content, events, awards, competitions, etc. In such case, the acknowledgement should not be considered as endorsement for products, views, etc. of the sponsors.

12. Site Management

Monitoring of site for any violation of terms of use and taking appropriate legal action, or removing or refusing access to any content (including on ground of lack of quality vis-à-vis the intended purpose) or removing from site any content that are excessive in size or in any way burdensome to the system or otherwise manage the site in a manner to protect the rights and property for proper functioning of site.

13. Term and Termination

The Terms of Use shall remain in force while using the site and we reserve the right to deny access and use of the site without notice or liability. We may terminate use or participation in the site or delete any user account or any content user have posted at any time without assigning any reason, in our sole discretion.

14. Modification and Interruption

We reserve the rights to change, modify or remove the contents of the site at any time or for any reason at our sole discretion without notice.

15. Electronic Agreement

This document is a written agreement, an electronic record and valid and enforceable electronic agreement/contract under Information Technology Act, 2000 and rules there under as applicable and the amended provisions pertaining to electronic records in various statutes under applicable Indian laws.

This electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures. Usage of this app shall be your deemed acceptance of these Terms and all modifications and updates thereto.

16. Governing Law

No action can be brought against the platform, its owners or their employees, which is on account of a legal mandate arising out of a law enacted outside of India. These terms shall be governed by and defined following the laws of India.

17. Limited Liability

Administrators and technology support providers of the website/App do not guarantee the accuracy of any content made available on the website/app and they do not take any responsibility for any external websites linked to our app.

Registered users are solely responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of user name and password. Any unauthorized use of username or password or any other breach of security must be notified by sending an email notification to support@bhartifoundation.org

18. Dispute Resolution

Any dispute arising under these terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New Delhi, India.

19. Disclaimer

The Site is provided on an As-Is and As-available basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied and use of the Site and services will be at user’s sole risk. 

You acknowledge that we have no control over, and no duty to take any action regarding: which users gains access to the Services; what content you access via the Services; what effects the content may have on you; how you may interpret or use the content; or what actions you may take as a result of having been exposed to the content.

20. Indemnification

You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless including our officers, directors, employees, agents and affiliates from any claim, liability, loss, damage, cost, or expense (including without limitation reasonable attorney’s fees) arising out of or related to your use of the Service, any materials downloaded or uploaded through the Service, any actions taken by you in connection with your use of the Service, any violation of any third party’s rights or an violation of law or regulation, or any breach of this agreement.

21. Assignment

This Agreement shall not be assigned by you to any third party without our prior written consent

22. User Support

In order to resolve a complaint regarding the Site or to receive further information regarding use of the Site, please contact us at:


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Job Description Academic Mentor

  • To support School Heads / Principals and strengthen the curriculum planning, delivery and class room transaction process for improved effectiveness.
  • To optimize usage and improvement of school’s infrastructure and facilities especially working toilets, functional library, computer labs, Science labs and energized classrooms.
  • To activate critical processes such as sports, drawing and other student cantered activities and events.
  • To smoothen academic operations throughout the year and also non-academic operations viz sports day, annual day, republic day, community volunteering, PTM etc.
  • To support teachers through interactive sessions.
  • To conduct subject wise week in schools for Science, English and Math linked with the annual curriculum.
  • To extend technical support to teachers on subject specific skills.
  • To support on difficult concepts and conduct specific need-based refresher training.
  • To extending support in planning the entire academic year including curriculum rollout, remedial, assessments and processes for ongoing monitoring and mentoring.
  • Candidates should aware about local language.
Position Title MIS Database Management Professional
Location City Gurgaon
State Haryana
Number of Positions 1
Reporting to (Designation/Role) DGM Knowledge Management
Reported by (Designation/Role) Manager – MIS
Ideal Age Bracket 30 to 45 years
Qualification BSc degree in a computer discipline or relevant certification
Experience (in years)
  • S/he should have 8+ years of database management experience with CMD/shell environment.
  • S/he should have SQL knowledge and be able to handle command on the production server and from backups as well.
  • Proven working experience as a Database Administrator.
  • Hands-on experience with database standards and end-user applications.
  • Previous experience with DBA case tools (frontend/backend) and third party tools.
  • Linux expert having 8+ years DBA experience managing server.
  • Analytical skills that help create reports and studies for the program team.
  • Team player who can ensure field team members are in sync with targets.
  • A go-getter who ensures timelines are met.
  • Believes in the Integrity of data, ensures capturing, storing and sharing correct, accurate data is core to the role.
  • Excellent knowledge of data backup, recovery, security, integrity and SQL.
  • Familiarity with database design, documentation, and coding.
  • Familiarity with programming languages API.
  • Problem-solving skills and ability to think algorithmically.
Key Roles & Responsibilities:
  • A professional Database Administrator (DBA) will keep the database up and running smoothly 24/7. The goal is to provide a seamless flow of information throughout the company, considering both backend data structure and frontend accessibility for end-users.
  • Build and Maintain database systems of high availability and quality depending on each end user’s specialized role.
  • Design and implement database in accordance to end users information needs and views.
  • Define users and enable data distribution to the right user, in appropriate format and in a timely manner.
  • Minimize database downtime and manage parameters to provide fast query responses.
  • Provide proactive and reactive data management support and training to users.
  • Use high-speed transaction recovery techniques and backup data.
  • Determine, enforce and document database policies, procedures and standards.
  • Perform tests and evaluations regularly to ensure data security, privacy and integrity.
  • Monitor database performance, implement changes and apply new patches and versions when required.
  • Manage back-end from app server and AWS server architecture.
Position Title Manager Compliance – Satya Bharti School
Key Responsibilities:
  1. To review & plan for the next academic session in the prior completed aligned with the finalization of AOP for the next FY

    • Review-based Revision of Annual School Safety Calendar Activities w.r.t Govt. Regulatory Mandate on Child Safety & Operational Compliances
    • Budget Estimation & Allocation under AOP FY 2024-25 (with Fin. Dept.)
  2. To ensure Satya Bharti School Program Compliance Management

    • Ensuring Key Compliances: school recognition, fire safety, MDM vendor compliance, child protection, water, sanitation, disaster, pollution, etc.
    • Quarterly Compliance Certificates: Satya Bharti School Program Compliance Certificate – signed by Program Head for Quarter I, II, III & IV
    • Monthly Status Update for CEO Dashboard: Ongoing review-based status update on Key Compliance Indicators
  3. To ensure the timely conduct & completion of Annually Mandatory Safety Trainings for key stakeholders of all 173 schools

    • Annual Child Safety Training (Summer & Winter Batches)
    • Annual Refresher Trainings on:
      1. First Aid Care & Health Awareness of School Heads
      2. School Preparedness on Disaster Management
    • Emergency Evacuation Drills:
      1. Earthquake – Apr’24 & Oct’24
      2. Fire Safety – Jul’24 & Jan’25
  4. To facilitate & ensure (end to end) External Audit Management

    • External Audit Management
    • CAP Closure: School-level sign-off on Internal Quality Audit Findings & School Visits based External (E.Y.) Audit Observations submitted under the last Audit Report
    • Revision of Reporting Formats: As per specific requirement to ‘process & purpose’ while considering field inputs for effective execution
    • Amendment in SOM Process Guidelines: To address reported gaps & strengthen operational mandate while ensuring effective school-level execution
  5. Keeping track of amendment/introduction of new central/state laws/legislation/notification and updating the program team for the same.
  6. To establish & schedule periodic review & regular monitoring for supporting field teams in targeted completion of the annual task as assigned
Qualification Master’s degree in education/school administration & management/Business Administration/Risk Management/Quality Management and related field
Experience (in years) 7-8 years of experience in administration and compliance of school chains/quality control/audit & compliance in profit or non-profit sectors
  • Ability to work under pressure and tight deadlines
  • Coordination with various departments and field teams
  • Conducting secondary researches with regards to laws/legislations
  • Must be a good team player
  • Ability to work independently
Reporting to DGM Program (Satya Bharti Schools)
Position Title Executive-Communication
Department/Function Communication
Location Gurgaon
State Haryana
Number of Positions 1
Reporting to Communication Manager
Ideal Age Bracket 22-30
Qualification Mass Communication/ Journalism / Media /digital marketing or related field.
Experience (in years) 1-2 years
Skill – Content development: Writing, editing, ideating
– Social Media: Social media management, digital marketing, Ideate, design and create posts/ videos / reels
– Video Editing and photography
Key Roles & Responsibilities – Serve as the primary point person to write for the activities and actions happening in the region for social media, also support in writing communications collateral like newsletters, annual report, brochures, flyers etc.
– Should have a nose to capture case stories from the ground and document it.
– Prepare/Support in PowerPoint presentations and other material for Management team members and Board members
– Draft blogs in the areas of education and skill development work happening in the region/state
– Regularly connect with the regional offices to capture updates on activities, case stories, visits, events etc. in a timely and consistent manner.
– Manage and/or assist in project report writing, and editing of publications.
– Create social media post/ Videos/ Reels
– Maintain and Monitor all Bharti Foundation social media channels regularly
– Assist in the development and maintenance of systems for operational efficiency, such as regular program data reports/dashboards, photo and AV library.
Position Title Academic Lead – Math, English and Science
School Satya Bharti Adarsh Sr. Sec School
Location City Amritsar and Ludhiana
State Punjab
Region 1
Number of Positions 3
Reporting to (Designation/Role) Principal
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 45 years
  • Master’s Degree from a recognized university with at least 50% marks in their respective subject.
  • B.Ed or equivalent degree from a recognized University.
  • Knowledge of Computer Applications.
Experience (in years) More than 5 years
Skill Communication, Critical Thinking, Patience, Leadership, Teamwork, Time Management, Curriculum Planner.
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  1. To make and check the lesson plans of the concerned subject.
  2. Rechecking of notebooks after teachers copy checking.
  3. To conduct departmental meeting.
  4. To maintain syllabus completion record.
  5. To implement the policies as guided by T&C department.
  6. Observation of teachers on a regular basis.
  7. To assist the Principal in day-to-day activities and performing duties as Coordinator/Exam-cell/Discipline in-charge.
  8. Promote the usage of ICR lab.
  9. Proper usage of Lab.
  10. Update the teachers regarding the latest CBSE circulars, training, and competitions.
  11. To maintain coordination and integration among teachers of the department.
  12. Up-dation and cross-checking of TLM on a regular basis.
  13. Reporting to the Principal about the activities performed by their department.
Position Title Counsellor
School Satya Bharti Adarsh Sr. Sec School
Location City Amritsar and Ludhiana
State Punjab
Region 1
Number of Positions 3
Reporting to (Designation/Role) Principal
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 40 years
Qualification B.A./B.Sc.(Psychology) with certificate of Diploma in Counseling (Mandatory)
Experience (in years)
  • Minimum of One Year Experience in Providing Career/Educational Counseling to students at Schools OR
  • Working knowledge and experience in Placement Bureaus OR
  • Registration with Rehabilitation Council of India as Vocational Counselor.
  • Analytical & Critical Thinking
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Empathetic listening
  • Communication skills
  • Cultural competency
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • Provide information on educational and career options.
  • Offer counselling sessions on emotional, personal, and social issues.
  • Address behavioral concerns and provide strategies for improvement.
  • Collaborate with teachers and parents to support positive behavior.
  • Respond to crises and emergencies affecting students.
  • Develop personalized plans for academic and personal growth.
  • Facilitate group sessions to address common concerns among students.
  • Foster a sense of community & peer support.
  • Work closely with teachers, parents, and administrators.
  • Monitor academic progress and help students overcome challenges.
  • Implement programs addressing issues such as bullying and substance abuse.
  • Promote a positive and inclusive school culture.
  • Ensure access to additional support services beyond the school.
Position Title Post Graduate Teacher – All Subject
School Satya Bharti Adarsh Senior Secondary School
Location City Amritsar and Ludhiana
State Punjab
Region 1
Number of Positions 5
Reporting to (Designation/Role) Principal
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 45 years
  • Postgraduate degree in subject
  • Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) or equivalent teaching qualification.
  • Relevant teaching experience in secondary education.
Experience (in years) 2 years’ of teaching experience
  • Proficiency in English & Subject with a passion for teaching.
  • Effective communication and interpersonal skills.
  • Strong classroom management and organizational abilities.
  • Adaptability and willingness to embrace innovative teaching methodologies.
  • Commitment to continuous professional development.
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • Design a comprehensive curriculum that aligns with educational standards/level of students under guidance of the HOD
  • Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and expertise in the subject.
  • Stay abreast of the latest developments in both subjects and integrate relevant content into lesson plans.
  • Create engaging lesson plans tailored to the unique aspects of the subject.
  • Deliver dynamic and interactive lessons in the subject, promoting critical thinking.
  • Utilize diverse teaching methodologies to accommodate varied learning styles.
  • Develop fair assessments to evaluate student understanding in the subject.
  • Provide timely and constructive feedback to facilitate student improvement.
  • Establish a positive and inclusive classroom environment for effective learning.
  • Manage student behavior and maintain a disciplined atmosphere.
  • Collaborate with colleagues and school administrators to enhance the overall educational experience.
Position Title Manager – Partnerships and Communication
Band 1
Department/Function Partnerships
Location Gurgaon
Number of Positions 1
Reporting to (Functional & Administrative)
Sr Manager – Partnerships
Reported by
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35 years
  • Essential – MSW/MBA
  • Desirable – Diploma or other qualification in communication
Experience (in years) 6-8 years in fundraising and communication, preferably from the development sector
  • Self-motivated with excellent interpersonal skills, multitasker
  • A minimum of three years of fundraising
  • Form strong relationships with external stakeholders
  • Data management
  • Exceptional communication and relationship-building skills
  • Volunteer management
  • Adept at managing tasks, planning events, and balancing priorities
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • Fundraising and partnerships:
    • Curating, strategizing, and successfully executing fundraising campaigns
    • Generating leads for new partnerships
    • Identifying donors interested in supporting education programs
    • Generating interest around activities undertaken by the Bharti Foundation
    • Effectively conveying the organization’s mission, vision, and programs
    • Crafting grant and fundraising proposals
    • Liaising with donor SPOCs for meetings
  • Events:
    • Planning events from start to finish according to requirements
    • Handling pre and post-event documentation
    • Supporting promotional activities for the event
    • Communicating and sending mailers to corporates and individuals
  • Fundraising activities (Airtel Half-marathon):
    • Connecting with corporates, individuals, and partners for participation
    • Conducting a fundraising campaign for the event
    • Providing all communication support for the same
    • Working with internal and external teams for ensuring maximum participation
    • Event day activities, coordination, administrative work
    • Maintaining a database of all contacts, amount received, financial reconciliations, etc.
  • Documentation and Reporting:
    • Creating qualitative proposals for donors
    • Ensuring adherence to the calendar of reporting
    • Creating quarterly project update slides
    • Maintaining files and supporting in reporting or presentations as required
Job Summary
Position Title Academic Mentor
Band F
Department/Function QSP-Project Implementation
Location Bhatinda / Sangrur, Punjab (1 Position – Bhatinda)
Reporting to Project Coordinator / Project Head
Reported by None
Candidate Profile
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35 years
Qualification MSW / MBA / Post Graduate in Rural Development
Experience 4-10 years in implementation of education program
  • Liaison and networking skill
  • Interpersonal relationship
  • Facilitation skill
  • Communication and presentation
  • Execution skill
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • To conduct baseline assessments in school.
  • To orient Principal and Teacher about the QSP Program at regular intervals.
  • To implement all program activities as per Logical Framework and in line with the overall program philosophy.
  • To engage with and encourage community participation in school development activities.
  • To motivate students to lead all in school club activities.
  • To keep the school informed about various external competitions/participative events and bring in a culture of winning awards in partner schools.
  • To plan and budget for all in school activities, event, campaigns etc. on a monthly /quarterly basis as may be mutually agreed with the Reporting Manager.
  • To carry out activities as may also be planned by the HO and effectively implement.
  • To ensure effective and accurate reporting of all program indicators on a monthly/need basis in the online MIS portal/other reporting templates from time to time.
  • To engage with Block/District level department officials and provide necessary information as may be asked for.
  • To follow all operating guidelines with respect to student safety both within and outside the school in case of any external activities, competitions, excursion tours etc.
  • To prepare all program reports, plan the exit process, and provide support to the school on a need basis in case of program tenure completion.
Job Summary
Position Title Academic Mentor
Band F
Department/Function QSP-Project Implementation
Location J&K – Ladak
Reporting to Project Coordinator / Project Head
Reported by None
Candidate Profile
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35 years
Qualification MSW / MBA / Post Graduate in Rural Development
Experience 4-10 years in implementation of education program
  • Liaison and networking skill
  • Interpersonal relationship
  • Facilitation skill
  • Communication and presentation
  • Execution skill
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • To conduct baseline assessments in school.
  • To orient Principal and Teacher about the QSP Program at regular intervals.
  • To implement all program activities as per Logical Framework and in line with the overall program philosophy.
  • To engage with and encourage community participation in school development activities.
  • To motivate students to lead all in school club activities.
  • To keep the school informed about various external competitions/participative events and bring in a culture of winning awards in partner schools.
  • To plan and budget for all in school activities, event, campaigns etc. on a monthly /quarterly basis as may be mutually agreed with the Reporting Manager.
  • To carry out activities as may also be planned by the HO and effectively implement.
  • To ensure effective and accurate reporting of all program indicators on a monthly/need basis in the online MIS portal/other reporting templates from time to time.
  • To engage with Block/District level department officials and provide necessary information as may be asked for.
  • To follow all operating guidelines with respect to student safety both within and outside the school in case of any external activities, competitions, excursion tours etc.
  • To prepare all program reports, plan the exit process, and provide support to the school on a need basis in case of program tenure completion.
Job Summary
Position Title Academic Mentor
Band F
Department/Function QSP-Project Implementation
Location Meghalaya – Ri-Bhoi
Reporting to Project Coordinator / Project Head
Reported by None
Candidate Profile
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35 years
Qualification MSW / MBA / Post Graduate in Rural Development
Experience 4-10 years in implementation of education program
  • Liaison and networking skill
  • Interpersonal relationship
  • Facilitation skill
  • Communication and presentation
  • Execution skill
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • To conduct baseline assessments in school.
  • To orient Principal and Teacher about the QSP Program at regular intervals.
  • To implement all program activities as per Logical Framework and in line with the overall program philosophy.
  • To engage with and encourage community participation in school development activities.
  • To motivate students to lead all in school club activities.
  • To keep the school informed about various external competitions/participative events and bring in a culture of winning awards in partner schools.
  • To plan and budget for all in school activities, event, campaigns etc. on a monthly /quarterly basis as may be mutually agreed with the Reporting Manager.
  • To carry out activities as may also be planned by the HO and effectively implement.
  • To ensure effective and accurate reporting of all program indicators on a monthly/need basis in the online MIS portal/other reporting templates from time to time.
  • To engage with Block/District level department officials and provide necessary information as may be asked for.
  • To follow all operating guidelines with respect to student safety both within and outside the school in case of any external activities, competitions, excursion tours etc.
  • To prepare all program reports, plan the exit process, and provide support to the school on a need basis in case of program tenure completion.
Job Summary
Position Title Academic Mentor
Band F
Department/Function QSP-Project Implementation
Location Jharkhand – Ranchi
Reporting to Project Coordinator / Project Head
Reported by None
Candidate Profile
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35 years
Qualification MSW / MBA / Post Graduate in Rural Development
Experience 4-10 years in implementation of education program
  • Liaison and networking skill
  • Interpersonal relationship
  • Facilitation skill
  • Communication and presentation
  • Execution skill
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • To conduct baseline assessments in school.
  • To orient Principal and Teacher about the QSP Program at regular intervals.
  • To implement all program activities as per Logical Framework and in line with the overall program philosophy.
  • To engage with and encourage community participation in school development activities.
  • To motivate students to lead all in school club activities.
  • To keep the school informed about various external competitions/participative events and bring in a culture of winning awards in partner schools.
  • To plan and budget for all in school activities, event, campaigns etc. on a monthly /quarterly basis as may be mutually agreed with the Reporting Manager.
  • To carry out activities as may also be planned by the HO and effectively implement.
  • To ensure effective and accurate reporting of all program indicators on a monthly/need basis in the online MIS portal/other reporting templates from time to time.
  • To engage with Block/District level department officials and provide necessary information as may be asked for.
  • To follow all operating guidelines with respect to student safety both within and outside the school in case of any external activities, competitions, excursion tours etc.
  • To prepare all program reports, plan the exit process, and provide support to the school on a need basis in case of program tenure completion.
Job Summary
Position Title Academic Mentor
Band F
Department/Function QSP-Project Implementation
Location Assam – Jorhat
Reporting to Project Coordinator / Project Head
Reported by None
Candidate Profile
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35 years
Qualification MSW / MBA / Post Graduate in Rural Development
Experience 4-10 years in implementation of education program
  • Liaison and networking skill
  • Interpersonal relationship
  • Facilitation skill
  • Communication and presentation
  • Execution skill
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • To conduct baseline assessments in school.
  • To orient Principal and Teacher about the QSP Program at regular intervals.
  • To implement all program activities as per Logical Framework and in line with the overall program philosophy.
  • To engage with and encourage community participation in school development activities.
  • To motivate students to lead all in school club activities.
  • To keep the school informed about various external competitions/participative events and bring in a culture of winning awards in partner schools.
  • To plan and budget for all in school activities, event, campaigns etc. on a monthly /quarterly basis as may be mutually agreed with the Reporting Manager.
  • To carry out activities as may also be planned by the HO and effectively implement.
  • To ensure effective and accurate reporting of all program indicators on a monthly/need basis in the online MIS portal/other reporting templates from time to time.
  • To engage with Block/District level department officials and provide necessary information as may be asked for.
  • To follow all operating guidelines with respect to student safety both within and outside the school in case of any external activities, competitions, excursion tours etc.
  • To prepare all program reports, plan the exit process, and provide support to the school on a need basis in case of program tenure completion.
Job Summary
Position Title Trainer – Quality Support Program
Band 1
Department/Function Training & Curriculum
Location Jammu – J&K
Reporting to Sr. Manager Training
Candidate Profile
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 45 years
Qualification Graduation / Post Graduate + B.Ed (Mandatory)
Experience Minimum 8-10 years of experience in teaching/teachers’ training/teachers’ mentoring
Essential Skills
  • Communication & Presentation skills
  • Facilitation Skills
  • Innovation and creativity
  • Service & Quality orientation
  • Interpersonal Relationship
Desirable Skills
  • Experience of working in a Government project
  • Knowledge of local language (Read, Write and Speak)
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  1. Training Need Assessment in the designated area (State / District/ Block Level)
  2. Planning & deployment of district level training for teachers
  3. School Visit and on the job support to the teachers and academic mentors
  4. Impact analysis of training organised
  5. Managing training data and documentation
  6. Academic support to Team
  7. Support and Contribute to T&C on other academic assignments related to curriculum, training and assessment
Position Title Asst. Manager / Sr. Exec. – Procurement
Band 1 / F
Department/Function Procurement
Location City Delhi
State Delhi
Number of Positions 1
Reporting to (Designation/Role)
Reported by (Designation/Role) None
Ideal Age Bracket Below 30 years
  • Graduate – Essential
  • MBA in Supply chain management and advanced degree in economics or mathematics is recommended
Experience (in years) 4-6 years of experience in procurement in respect of Event Management, IT Services, Printing. It will be an advantage if there is also an exposure in relation to construction, IT Hardware and logistics.
  • Able to interact with user departments and vendors in a professional mode.
  • Good in negotiation with vendors
  • Having a positive attitude towards work.
  • Exposure to working on ERP like Oracle or SAP and skilled in excel with pivot.
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  1. Sourcing of suppliers to meet new requirements
  2. Managing end-to-end procurement cycle processing of requisitions, Sourcing, issue of RFP/RFQ, evaluating proposals, sending PO to suppliers, PO Confirmation, delivery follow-up, GRN and supplier payment coordination, in respect of assigned product categories.
  3. Independently manage record-keeping on Oracle and in hard copies, of all the above procurement transactions.
  4. Quality assurance of materials and services including by way of visit to supplier’s warehouse or manufacturing unit.
  5. Maintaining supplier master including key coordinates.
Position Title Academic Support – English
Department/Function Edtech
Reporting to (Designation/Role) Academic Lead
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35 years
Qualification B.Ed/M.Ed (English)
Experience (in years) 5+ year of relevant experience (teaching English in an elementary classroom (class 6 to 10))
  • Creative thinker with a passion for educational excellence and innovation.
  • Skilled in using digital tools and platforms for educational purposes.
  • Ability to analyze educational data to inform content development and teaching strategies.
  • Commitment to promoting inclusive and engaging learning environments.
  • Proficiency in the digitization of educational content, with a strong portfolio showcasing digital teaching resources or projects.
  • Deep understanding of elementary English pedagogy, curriculum standards, and the latest educational technology trends.
  • Exceptional communication and collaboration skills, capable of working effectively with educators, instructional designers, and technology specialists.
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • Teacher Training Content Creation: Develop and write high-quality training materials for elementary English teachers, focusing on effective teaching strategies, addressing common student misconceptions, and best classroom practices.
  • Digitization of Training Programs: Collaborate with instructional designers to digitize teacher training programs and English teaching resources, ensuring they are accessible and engaging for a diverse audience.
  • Assessment and Evaluation: Design assessment tools to evaluate teacher progress within the training programs and refine instructional strategies based on feedback.
  • Research and Innovation: Conduct ongoing research into the latest trends in English education and educational technology, integrating innovative practices into teacher training content.
Position Title Academic Support – Mathematics
Department/Function Edtech
Reporting to (Designation/Role) Academic Lead
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35 years
Qualification B.Ed/M.Ed (Mathematics)
Experience (in years) Minimum of 2 years of experience teaching mathematics in a primary classroom setting.
  • Proven experience in teacher training and professional development, specifically in mathematics education.
  • Strong expertise in the digitization of educational content, with a portfolio of digital teaching resources or projects.
  • Excellent understanding of primary education pedagogy and current educational technology trends.
  • Strong communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to work effectively with teachers, students, and educational technologists.
  • The candidate needs to have a strong background in mathematics education, extensive experience in primary classroom teaching, expertise in teacher training, and experience in the digitization of educational content. This role requires a blend of academic excellence, pedagogical knowledge, and digital fluency to innovate our teaching methods and materials.
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • Plan and conduct subject-related in-depth research on different concepts, the progression of concepts, and how they are taught to students from teachers’ perspective.
  • Write teacher training content for building a self-learning training program for primary mathematics teachers, focusing on effective pedagogical strategies, and misconceptions that students face along with suggested classroom practices to resolve the same.
  • Creation of teacher training content: Design and deliver comprehensive training programs for primary mathematics teachers, focusing on pedagogical strategies, content knowledge, and the integration of digital tools in teaching.
  • Digitization of Content: Work with designers to digitize the training programs and mathematics teaching materials and resources, making them accessible and effective for diverse learning environments.
  • Assessment and Evaluation: Develop and implement effective assessment tools to monitor teacher progression and inform future instructional strategies.
  • Research and Innovation: Stay abreast of the latest research in mathematics education and educational technology, integrating best practices into our curriculum and teaching methods.

Position Title Academic Mentor
Department/Function QSP-Project Implementation
Location (Cities) Jammu, Rajouri, Shimla, Delhi, Ranchi, Dumka, Ri Bhoi, Jorhat, Kamrup, Bishwanath, Ranga Reddy, Medchal, Sircilla, Bengaluru Rural, Ramnagara.
States J&K, Himachal Pradesh, Delhi, Jharkhand, Meghalaya, Assam, Telangana, Karnataka
Number of Positions 15
Reporting to (Designation/Role) Project Coordinator / Project Head
Reported by None
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35 years
Qualification MSW / MBA / Post Graduate in Rural Development
Experience (in years) 4-10 years in implementation of education program
  • Liaison and networking skill
  • Interpersonal relationship
  • Operation/ Facilitation skill
  • Communication and presentation
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • To orient Principal and Teacher about the Quality Support Program at regular intervals.
  • To implement all program activities as per Logical Framework and in line with the overall program philosophy.
  • To engage with and encourage community participation in school development activities.
  • To motivate students to lead in school club activities.
  • To keep the school informed about various external competitions/participative events and bring in a culture of winning awards in partner schools.
  • To plan and budget for all in school activities, event, campaigns etc. on a monthly /quarterly basis as may be mutually agreed with the Reporting Manager.
  • To engage with Teachers and school leadership team for holistic school development.
  • To carry out activities as may also be planned by the HO and effectively implement.
  • To ensure effective and accurate reporting of all program indicators on a monthly/need basis in the online MIS portal/other reporting templates from time to time.
  • To engage with Block/District level department officials and provide necessary information as may be asked for.
  • To follow all operating guidelines with respect to student safety both within and outside the school in case of any external activities, competitions, excursion tours etc.
  • To prepare all program reports, plan the exit process, and provide support to the school on a need basis In case of program tenure completion.

Position Title Trainer – Quality Support Program
Band 1
Department/Function Training & Curriculum
Location (City) Jammu
State J&K
Number of Positions 1
Reporting to (Designation/Role) Sr. Manager Training
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 45
Qualification Graduation / Post Graduate + B.Ed (Mandatory)
Experience (in years) Minimum 6-8 years of experience in teaching/teachers’ training/teachers’ mentoring


  • Communication & Presentation skills
  • Facilitation Skills
  • Innovation and creativity
  • Service & Quality orientation
  • Interpersonal Relationship


  • Experience of working in a Government project
  • Must know local language (Read, Write and Speak)
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  1. Training Need Assessment in the designated area (State / District/ Block Level)
    • Identify gaps based on feedback from Project Head/Project Coordinators/Regional Heads
    • Propose solution and plan of action with Sr. Manager-Training / Head T&C
  2. Planning & deployment of district level training for teachers (Implementation of Training Calendar)
    • Pedagogical/skill based training
    • Leadership training of Head of schools
    • Other selected scholastic/co-scholastic training
  3. School Visit and on the job support to the teachers and academic mentors
  4. Impact analysis of training organised
  5. Managing training data and documentation
  6. Academic support to Team
  7. Support and Contribute to T&C on other academic assignments related to curriculum, training and assessment

Position Title Trainer, Satya Bharti School Program
Department/Function Training & Curriculum
Location (City) Jodhpur
State Rajasthan
Number of Positions 1
Reporting to (Designation/Role) Sr. Manager Training
Reported by (Designation/Role) None
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 40 years
Qualification Graduation / Post Graduate + B.Ed (Mandatory)
Experience (in years) Minimum 6-8 years of experience in teaching/teachers’ training/teachers’ mentoring


  • Communication & Presentation skills
  • Facilitation Skills
  • Innovation and creativity
  • Service & Quality orientation
  • Interpersonal Relationship


  • Specialization in languages – English / Hindi
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  1. Training Need Assessment at District Level
    • Identify gaps based on feedback from CC/ DC
    • Propose solution and plan of action with Sr. Manager-Training / Head T&C
  2. Planning & deployment of district level training for teachers (Implementation of Training Calendar)
    • Induction / orientation training of teachers
    • Pedagogical/subject specific training of teachers
    • Leadership training of Head Teachers
    • Remediation Trainings
  3. School Visit and on the job support to the teachers
  4. Impact analysis of training at District level
  5. Managing training data and documentation
  6. Academic support to District Team
  7. Support and Contribute to T&C on other academic assignments related to curriculum, training and assessment
Position Title Sr. Manager – Data Analyst
Department/Function Edtech
Reporting to Head – Technology (TheTeacher App)
Experience (in years) 8-12 years of relevant experience
  • B.Tech/BE degree in Computer Science/related technical field or Statistics/Operations Research background
  • 3+ years of experience in core business analytics/product analytics
  • Hands on experience on SQL, Python
  • Past experience of working on large datasets (big data)
  • Excellent with data visualization and strong understanding of Tableau, Superset

This role will be leading analytics for a division/pod, assist drive data driven decision making with senior management, own metrics for a pod.

  • Solves business/product problems with accuracy and reliability
  • Create and explain data driven insights to a varied set of stakeholders
  • Challenge the status quo and shape the analytics roadmap
  • Drive clarity and bring forth creative solutions
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • Develop an in-depth understanding of user journeys on Airtel Digital Channels and generate data driven insights & recommendations to help product/business in meticulous decision making
  • End-to-end ownership of key metrics, work with respective stakeholders to understand areas we need to measure and ensure the needle is moving in the right direction
  • Develop strong hypothesis, execute A/B experiments and identify area of opportunities with strong confidence level
  • Work cross-functionally to define problem statements, collect data, build analytical models and make recommendations
  • Identify and implement streamlined processes for data reporting, dashboarding and communication
  • Collaborate with Product for data tracking and implementation of tools like Clickstream, Google analytics, Branch, Moengage etc.
Position Title Academic Support – English
Department/Function Edtech
Reporting to (Designation/Role) Academic Lead
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35 years
Qualification B.Ed/M.Ed (English)
Experience (in years) 5+ years of relevant experience (teaching English in an elementary classroom, class 6 to 10)
  • Creative thinker with a passion for educational excellence and innovation.
  • Skilled in using digital tools and platforms for educational purposes.
  • Ability to analyze educational data to inform content development and teaching strategies.
  • Commitment to promoting inclusive and engaging learning environments.
  • Proficiency in the digitization of educational content, with a strong portfolio showcasing digital teaching resources or projects.
  • Deep understanding of elementary English pedagogy, curriculum standards, and the latest educational technology trends.
  • Exceptional communication and collaboration skills, capable of working effectively with educators, instructional designers, and technology specialists.
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • Teacher Training Content Creation: Develop and write high-quality training materials for elementary English teachers, focusing on effective teaching strategies, addressing common student misconceptions, and best classroom practices.
  • Digitization of Training Programs: Collaborate with instructional designers to digitize teacher training programs and English teaching resources, ensuring they are accessible and engaging for a diverse audience.
  • Assessment and Evaluation: Design assessment tools to evaluate teacher progress within the training programs and refine instructional strategies based on feedback.
  • Research and Innovation: Conduct ongoing research into the latest trends in English education and educational technology, integrating innovative practices into teacher training content.

Position Title Academic Support – Mathematics
Department/Function Edtech
Reporting to (Designation/Role) Academic Lead
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35 years
Qualification B.Ed/M.Ed (Mathematics)
Experience (in years) Minimum of 2 years of experience teaching mathematics in a primary classroom setting.
  • Proven experience in teacher training and professional development, specifically in mathematics education.
  • Strong expertise in the digitization of educational content, with a portfolio of digital teaching resources or projects.
  • Excellent understanding of primary education pedagogy and current educational technology trends.
  • Strong communication and collaboration skills, with the ability to work effectively with teachers, students, and educational technologists.
  • The candidate needs to have a strong background in mathematics education, extensive experience in primary classroom teaching, expertise in teacher training, and experience in the digitization of educational content. This role requires a blend of academic excellence, pedagogical knowledge, and digital fluency to innovate our teaching methods and materials.
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • Plan and do subject-related in-depth research on different concepts, the progression of concepts and how are the same taught to students from teachers’ perspective.
  • Write teacher training content for building a self-learning training program for primary mathematics teachers, focusing on effective pedagogical strategies, and misconceptions that students face along with suggested classroom practices to resolve the same.
  • Creation of teacher training content: Design and deliver comprehensive training programs for primary mathematics teachers, focusing on pedagogical strategies, content knowledge, and the integration of digital tools in teaching.
  • Digitization of Content: Work with designers to digitize the training programs and mathematics teaching materials and resources, making them accessible and effective for diverse learning environments.
  • Assessment and Evaluation: Develop and implement effective assessment tools to monitor teacher progression and inform future instructional strategies.
  • Research and Innovation: Stay abreast of the latest research in mathematics education and educational technology, integrating best practices into our curriculum and teaching methods.
Position Title Sr. Manager- Academic Lead
Band Band 2
Department/Function EdTech
Location (City) Gurgaon
State Haryana
Number of Positions 1
Reporting to (Designation/Role) Technology Lead
Reported by (Designation/Role) 3
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35 years
Qualification Masters+ B.Ed
Experience (in years) 10+ years
  • Subject matter expert (Mathematics/Science/English) with relevant experience in e-learning domain.
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  1. Manage content creation team
  2. Create co-scholastic / scholastic content for teachers (Storyboard and presentation)
  3. Document all content gaps and create content creation plan
  4. Interact with vendors and drive content development
  5. Interact with internal stakeholders and ensure content is created within planned timelines
  6. Create new process to speed up the content creation.
  7. Develop quality framework ensure high quality of content.
  8. Generate new ideas of content presentation for better teacher engagement on the platform.
  9. Create teacher club and drive content creation with the help of teachers.

Position Title Cluster Coordinator
Band F
Department/Function Program Implementation
Location (City) Balesar, Ludhiana East
State Rajasthan & Punjab
Number of Positions 02
Reporting to (Designation/Role) District Coordinator
Reported by (Designation/Role) Head Teachers
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35
Qualification Graduate with B.Ed / MSW / MBA
Experience (in years) 04-06 years in social sector with understanding of education
  • Interpersonal skills.
  • Analytical skills.
  • Communication and presentation skills.
  • Planning & execution capabilities.
  • People management capabilities.
  • Ability to work with cross function teams.
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  1. To visit allocated schools, as per beat plan and carry out assigned responsibilities.
  2. To ensure preparation of lesson plan by teacher, observe the class and share feedback.
  3. To hold pedagogy centered discussions with all the teachers.
  4. To support Head Teacher in managing the quality of teaching learning processes.
  5. To review students note books and teachers portfolio of their class.
  6. To evaluate training needs of weak teachers and planning remedial training.
  7. To ensure smooth conduct of spot test, TSKT, diagnostic test and exit test.
  8. To conduct need based teachers training in School.
  9. To check and verify various school documents (attendance, staff meeting, Visitors, Incoming/Outgoing, MDM, PTM etc.).
  10. To develop and monitor school development plan. Also take corrective action at School level basis various data provided like remedial, Hello English, DCR and TSKT etc.
  11. To monitor virtual classes and ensure teachers are delivering quality classes.
  12. To ensure adherence of guidelines / processes as issued by Head office.
  13. To support in MSR preparation.
  14. To carry out overall supervision of the MDM process, vendor selection, monitoring, reconciliation of bill and payments.
  15. To attend and resolve complaint of teaching staff, students and parents.
  16. To oversee School discipline (teachers & students).
  17. To support in organizing periodic events at school level.
  18. To liaise with village Sarpanch and Community and other influential persons.
  19. Interact with parent during PTM and otherwise also.
  20. To conduct community surveys as and when required.

Position Title Manager – Partnerships (Implementation)
Department/Function Edtech
Reporting to (Designation/Role) Head of Department
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35 years
  1. Post-Graduation in communication/ computer science/ business administration.
Experience (in years)
  • Minimum of 8-10 years of experience in handling implementation with Govt./Education Institutions/Schools partnerships and program in development/education sector.
  • 5+ years of experience in partnership management, or related field.
  • Self-motivated with excellent interpersonal skills and multi-tasker.
  • Form strong relationships with external stakeholders.
  • Data management and analytical skills.
  • Exceptional verbal and written communication skills and relationship-building skills.
  • Programme understanding and management.
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  1. An Implementation Manager is responsible for overseeing the practical execution of TheTeacherApp digital projects and state initiatives within an organization.
  2. To bridge the gap between strategic planning and actual implementation, ensuring that projects are completed on time, within budget, and meet predefined objectives.
  3. To conduct research, analyze potential partners’ alignment, and develop partnership reports, proposals, and concept notes.
  4. To oversee partnership implementation, monitor performance, and ensure that both stakeholders derive value from the collaboration.
  5. To develop strategies for partnership growth and integration of the program with state government and educational institutes.
  6. Overseeing partnership performance and ensuring alignment with goal and outcomes.
  7. Ensure all contractual obligations given to partners are honored.
Contact Information
Interested candidates are requested to share their updated resume, with current and expected CTC at careers@bhartiairtelfoundation.org.
Position Title Assistant Manager- Program Support
Band 1
Location (City) Gurgaon
State Haryana Region HO
Number of Positions 1
Reporting to (Designation/Role)
Reported by (Designation/Role)
Ideal Age Bracket 30-35 years
Qualification Post-Graduation
Experience (in years) 8-10 years
  • Coordination skills and collaborative attitude, competency to work with diverse teams.
  • Proficiency in the use of Office (Excel, Powerpoint) with strong ability to manage data.
  • Good interpersonal skills to build relationships of trust with other departments and get quick “buy-in” of improvements.
  • Self-motivated with strong work ethics.
  • Innovative, creative problem solver and fact-finder.
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  1. Handling communication for important stakeholders. This includes creating the communication piece, fact checks, mailings etc. Liaising and preparing important communication from Program team.
  2. Presentation preparation and follow-ups for monthly, quarterly, bi-annual and annual review meetings with Chairman, Governing Board members, Trustees etc.
  3. Utilize the Foundation’s research findings to communicate with key government and non-governmental stakeholders to contribute to national program and policy planning.
  4. Keeping track of important assignments/projects, including competitions.
  5. Regular reports on program deliverables by managing, analyzing and inferring the data. e.g. monthly reports.
  6. Field visits to support state teams on a need basis.
Position Title Cluster Coordinator
Band F
Department/Function Program Implementation
Location (City) Ludhiana
State Punjab Region
Number of Positions 2
Reporting to (Designation/Role) District Coordinator
Reported by (Designation/Role) Head Teachers
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35
Qualification Graduate with B.Ed / MSW / MBA
Experience (in years) 4-6 years in social sector with understanding of education
  • Interpersonal skills.
  • Analytical skills.
  • Communication and presentation skills.
  • Planning & execution capabilities.
  • People management capabilities.
  • Ability to work with cross-functional teams.
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  1. To visit allocated schools, as per beat plan and carry out assigned responsibilities.
  2. To ensure preparation of lesson plan by teacher, observe the class and share feedback.
  3. To hold pedagogy centered discussions with all the teachers.
  4. To support Head Teacher in managing the quality of teaching-learning processes.
  5. To review students’ notebooks and teachers’ portfolios of their class.
  6. To evaluate training needs of weak teachers and planning remedial training.
  7. To ensure smooth conduct of spot tests, TSKT, diagnostic tests, and exit tests.
  8. To conduct need-based teachers training in School.
  9. To check and verify various school documents (attendance, staff meeting, Visitors, Incoming/Outgoing, MDM, PTM etc.).
  10. To develop and monitor school development plan. Also take corrective action at School level basis various data provided like remedial, Hello English, DCR and TSKT etc.
  11. To monitor virtual classes and ensure teachers are delivering quality classes.
  12. To ensure adherence to guidelines / processes as issued by the Head office.
  13. To support in MSR preparation.
  14. To carry out overall supervision of the MDM process, vendor selection, monitoring, reconciliation of bill and payments.
  15. To attend and resolve complaints of teaching staff, students, and parents.
  16. To oversee School discipline (teachers & students).
  17. To support in organizing periodic events at school level.
  18. To liaise with village Sarpanch and Community and other influential persons.
  19. To interact with parents during PTM and otherwise also.
  20. To conduct community surveys as and when required.
Position Title Cluster Coordinator
Band F
Department/Function Program Implementation
Location (City) Balesar
State Rajasthan
Number of Positions 2
Reporting to (Designation/Role) District Coordinator
Reported by (Designation/Role) Head Teachers
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35
Qualification Graduate with B.Ed / MSW / MBA
Experience (in years) 4-6 years in social sector with understanding of education
  • Interpersonal skills.
  • Analytical skills.
  • Communication and presentation skills.
  • Planning & execution capabilities.
  • People management capabilities.
  • Ability to work with cross-functional teams.
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  1. To visit allocated schools, as per beat plan and carry out assigned responsibilities.
  2. To ensure preparation of lesson plan by teacher, observe the class and share feedback.
  3. To hold pedagogy centered discussions with all the teachers.
  4. To support Head Teacher in managing the quality of teaching-learning processes.
  5. To review students’ notebooks and teachers’ portfolios of their class.
  6. To evaluate training needs of weak teachers and planning remedial training.
  7. To ensure smooth conduct of spot tests, TSKT, diagnostic tests, and exit tests.
  8. To conduct need-based teachers training in School.
  9. To check and verify various school documents (attendance, staff meeting, Visitors, Incoming/Outgoing, MDM, PTM etc.).
  10. To develop and monitor school development plan. Also take corrective action at School level basis various data provided like remedial, Hello English, DCR and TSKT etc.
  11. To monitor virtual classes and ensure teachers are delivering quality classes.
  12. To ensure adherence to guidelines / processes as issued by the Head office.
  13. To support in MSR preparation.
  14. To carry out overall supervision of the MDM process, vendor selection, monitoring, reconciliation of bill and payments.
  15. To attend and resolve complaints of teaching staff, students, and parents.
  16. To oversee School discipline (teachers & students).
  17. To support in organizing periodic events at school level.
  18. To liaise with village Sarpanch and Community and other influential persons.
  19. To interact with parents during PTM and otherwise also.
  20. To conduct community surveys as and when required.
Position Title Academic Mentor
Band F
Department/Function QSP-Project Implementation
Location (City) Kamrup
State Assam
Number of Positions 1
Reporting to (Designation/Role) Project Coordinator / Project Head
Reported by (Designation/Role) None
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35 years
Qualification MSW / MBA / Post Graduate in Rural Development
Experience (in years) 4-10 years in implementation of education program
  • Liaison and networking skill
  • Interpersonal relationship
  • Facilitation skill
  • Communication and presentation
  • Execution skill
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  1. To conduct baseline assessments in school.
  2. To orient Principal and Teacher about the QSP Program at regular intervals.
  3. To implement all program activities as per Logical Framework and in line with the overall program philosophy.
  4. To engage with and encourage community participation in school development activities.
  5. To motivate students to lead all in school club activities.
  6. To keep the school informed about various external competitions/participative events and bring in a culture of winning awards in partner schools.
  7. To plan and budget for all in school activities, event, campaigns etc. on a monthly /quarterly basis as may be mutually agreed with the Reporting Manager.
  8. To carry out activities as may also be planned by the HO and effectively implement.
  9. To ensure effective and accurate reporting of all program indicators on a monthly/need basis in the online MIS portal/other reporting templates from time to time.
  10. To engage with Block/District level department officials and provide necessary information as may be asked for.
  11. To follow all operating guidelines with respect to student safety both within and outside the school in case of any external activities, competitions, excursion tours etc.
  12. To prepare all program reports, plan the exit process, and provide support to the school on a need basis In case of program tenure completion.

Position Title Trainer – Quality Support Program
Band 1
Department/Function Training & Curriculum
Location (City) Jammu
State J&K
Number of Positions 1
Reporting to (Designation/Role) Sr. Manager Training
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 45 years
Qualification Graduation / Post Graduate + B.Ed (Mandatory)
Experience (in years) Minimum 8-10 years of experience in teaching/teachers’ training/teachers’ mentoring
  • Communication & Presentation skills
  • Facilitation Skills
  • Innovation and creativity
  • Service & Quality orientation
  • Interpersonal Relationship


  • Experience of working in a Government project
  • Must know local language (Read, Write and Speak)
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  1. Training Need Assessment in the designated area (State / District/ Block Level)
    • Identify gaps based on feedback from Project Head/Project Coordinators/Regional Heads
    • Propose solution and plan of action with Sr. Manager-Training / Head T&C
  2. Planning & deployment of district level training for teachers (Implementation of Training Calendar)
    • Pedagogical/subject specific training
    • Leadership training of Head of schools
    • Other selected scholastic/co-scholastic training
  3. School Visit and on the job support to the teachers and academic mentors
  4. Impact analysis of training organised
  5. Managing training data and documentation
  6. Academic support to Team
  7. Support and Contribute to T&C on other academic assignments related to curriculum, training and assessment
Position Title Executive Assistant to CEO
Department/Function CEO Office
Location City Gurgaon
State Haryana
Number of Positions 1
Reporting to (Designation/Role) CEO
Reported by (Designation/Role) None
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 20-28 years
Qualification Bachelors in Business Administration or Social work preferred
Experience (in years) Proven Experience: Minimum of 3 years of experience as an Executive Assistant or similar role, preferably supporting C-suite executives or senior management. Promising freshers with excellent communication skills will also be given opportunity.
  • Exceptional Organizational Skills: Ability to manage multiple priorities, meet deadlines, and maintain attention to detail in a fast-paced environment.
  • Excellent Communication Skills: Strong verbal and written communication skills, with the ability to interact professionally with individuals at all levels.
  • Tech Proficiency: Proficiency in MS Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook) and other relevant software applications for document management and scheduling.
  • Discretion and Professionalism: Demonstrated ability to handle confidential information with tact, integrity, and professionalism.
  • Adaptability: Flexible and adaptable to changing priorities and willing to take on new tasks and responsibilities as needed.
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • Calendar Management: Efficiently manage the Directors schedule, including scheduling appointments, meetings, and conferences, while prioritizing conflicting demands and ensuring timely reminders.
  • Travel Coordination: Arrange travel itineraries, accommodations, and logistics for the Directors business trips, ensuring seamless arrangements and timely updates.
  • Communication Management: Act as the primary point of contact for internal and external communications, including screening calls, managing emails, and drafting correspondences on behalf of the CEO.
  • Meeting Support: Facilitate meetings by preparing agendas, collating relevant materials, recording minutes, and following up on action items, ensuring effective communication and coordination.
  • Stakeholder Liaison: Build and maintain positive relationships with key stakeholders, both internal and external, to facilitate effective communication and collaboration on behalf of the Director.
  • Confidentiality Maintenance: Handle sensitive information with discretion and maintain confidentiality at all times, ensuring the integrity and security of privileged data.
Position Title Asst. Manager / Sr. Exec. – Procurement
Band 1 / F
Department/Function Procurement
Location (City) Delhi
State Delhi
Number of Positions 1
Reporting to (Designation/Role)
Reported by (Designation/Role) None
Ideal Age Bracket Below 30 years

Graduate – Essential

MBA in Supply chain management and advanced degree in economics or mathematics is recommended

Experience (in years) 4-6 years of experience in procurement in respect of Event Management, IT Services, Printing. It will be an advantage if there is also an exposure in relation to construction, IT Hardware and logistics.
  • Able to interact with user departments and vendors in a professional mode.
  • Good in negotiation with vendors
  • Having positive attitude towards work.
  • Exposure to working on ERP like Oracle or SAP and Skilled in excel with pivot.
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  1. Sourcing of suppliers to meet new requirements
  2. Managing end to end procurement cycle processing of requisitions, Sourcing, issue of RFP/RFQ, evaluating proposals, sending PO to suppliers, PO Confirmation, delivery follow up, GRN and supplier payment coordination, in respect of assigned product categories.
  3. Independently manage record keeping on Oracle and in hard copies, of all the above procurement transactions.
  4. Quality assurance of materials and services including by way of visit to supplier’s warehouse or manufacturing unit.
  5. Maintaining supplier master including key coordinates.

Position Title Assistant Manager – Quality
Band 1
Department/Function Quality Management
Location (City) Delhi NCR (Gurugram Honda Chowk Office/HO)
State Haryana
Region HO
Number of Positions 1
Reporting to (Designation/Role) Head – Quality Management
Reported by (Designation/Role)
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35 years
Qualification Bachelor’s degree. Relevant certifications in quality (e.g., Six Sigma, Lean) is a plus.
Experience (in years) Minimum of 5 years of experience in quality management or a related role, with a strong background in quality assurance methodologies.
  • Proficiency in change management methodologies such as Lean and Six Sigma.
  • Strong project management skills, including the ability to create and manage project plans.
  • Excellent data analysis skills to identify patterns and draw actionable inferences.
  • Experience with process audits and identifying improvement opportunities.
  • Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office, capable of preparing detailed reports and presentations.
  • Strong stakeholder management and communication skills.
  • Ability to work effectively as part of a team and collaborate with others.
  • Willingness to travel as needed.

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Experience with technology-led improvements and familiarity with low code/no code platforms like Zoho Creator.
  • Understanding of data privacy policies, information security policies, and various compliance standards (e.g., NCPCR, NBC, UNCRC, Juvenile Justice, NDMA, CPCRC, CBSE Guidelines).
  • Experience in the edtech industry.
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  1. Quality Assurance: Ensure all services meet consistent standards.
  2. Process Audits: Perform regular process audits, challenge existing processes, and identify opportunities for improvement.
  3. Change Methodologies: Implement and oversee change methodologies, including Lean and Six Sigma, to drive continuous improvement.
  4. Project Management: Develop and manage project plans, solve problems using data-driven approaches, co-create solutions with stakeholders, and monitor the implementation of actions.
  5. Data Analysis: Conduct data analysis to identify patterns, draw inferences, and provide actionable insights.
  6. Reporting and Documentation: Prepare detailed reports and professional presentations using Microsoft Office tools.
  7. Stakeholder Management: Manage stakeholder relationships to create acceptance of quality observations and drive joint improvement initiatives.
  8. Team Collaboration: Foster a collaborative environment within the team, leveraging team strengths to achieve timely and thorough completion of quality tasks.
  9. Compliance and Standards: Ensure all products and services comply with relevant regulations, including data privacy policies, information security policies, and other applicable standards and guidelines.
Position Title Apprentice Communication
Department/Function Communication
Location Bharti Airtel Foundation, Airtel Center, Gurgaon
Number of Positions 1
Duration 1 year
Qualification Graduate/Post Graduate
  • Self-motivated with excellent interpersonal skills, Multi-tasker
  • Adept at managing tasks, Writing Content, Preparing PPT, planning events, and balancing priorities
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • Write and edit Content
  • Maintain files and support in reporting or PPTs when required
  • Support in all upcoming events by the organization
  • Liaisoning and Coordinating with the internal team, vendor and team working on the ground
  • Create project/Event update slides as per the requirement
  • Maintaining the track sheet of the work done
  • Work on monthly targets
Position Title Academic Mentor
Band F
Department/Function QSP-Project Implementation
Reporting to (Designation/Role) Project Coordinator / Project Head
Reported by (Designation/Role) None
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35 years
Qualification MSW / MBA / Post Graduate in Rural Development
Experience (in years) 4-8 years in implementation of education program
  • Liaison and networking skill
  • Interpersonal relationship
  • Facilitation skill
  • Communication and presentation
  • Execution skill
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • To orient Principal and Teacher about the QSP Program at regular intervals.
  • To implement all program activities as per Logical Framework and in line with the overall program philosophy.
  • To engage with and encourage community participation in school development activities.
  • To motivate students to lead all in school club activities.
  • To keep the school informed about various external competitions/participative events and bring in a culture of winning awards in partner schools.
  • To plan and budget for all in school activities, events, campaigns etc. on a monthly/quarterly basis as may be mutually agreed with the Reporting Manager.
  • To carry out activities as may also be planned by the HO and effectively implement.
  • To ensure effective and accurate reporting of all program indicators on a monthly/need basis in the online MIS portal/other reporting templates from time to time.
  • To engage with Block/District level department officials and provide necessary information as may be asked for.
  • To follow all operating guidelines with respect to student safety both within and outside the school in case of any external activities, competitions, excursion tours etc.
  • To prepare all program reports, plan the exit process, and provide support to the school on a need basis in case of program tenure completion.
Position Title Academic Mentor
Band F
Department/Function QSP-Project Implementation
Reporting to (Designation/Role) Project Coordinator / Project Head
Reported by (Designation/Role) None
Location Firozpur (Punjab)
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35 years
Qualification MSW / MBA / Post Graduate in Rural Development
Experience (in years) 4-8 years in implementation of education program
  • Liaison and networking skill
  • Interpersonal relationship
  • Facilitation skill
  • Communication and presentation
  • Execution skill
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • To orient Principal and Teacher about the QSP Program at regular intervals.
  • To implement all program activities as per Logical Framework and in line with the overall program philosophy.
  • To engage with and encourage community participation in school development activities.
  • To motivate students to lead all in school club activities.
  • To keep the school informed about various external competitions/participative events and bring in a culture of winning awards in partner schools.
  • To plan and budget for all in school activities, events, campaigns etc. on a monthly/quarterly basis as may be mutually agreed with the Reporting Manager.
  • To carry out activities as may also be planned by the HO and effectively implement.
  • To ensure effective and accurate reporting of all program indicators on a monthly/need basis in the online MIS portal/other reporting templates from time to time.
  • To engage with Block/District level department officials and provide necessary information as may be asked for.
  • To follow all operating guidelines with respect to student safety both within and outside the school in case of any external activities, competitions, excursion tours etc.
  • To prepare all program reports, plan the exit process, and provide support to the school on a need basis in case of program tenure completion.
Position Title Cluster Coordinator
Band F
Department/Function Program Implementation
Location Balesar
Number of Positions 02
Reporting to (Designation/Role) District Coordinator
Reported by (Designation/Role) Head Teachers
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35 years
Qualification Graduate with B.Ed / MSW / MBA
Experience (in years) 04-06 years in social sector with understanding of education.
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Communication and presentation skills
  • Planning & execution capabilities
  • People management capabilities
  • Ability to work with cross function teams
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • To visit allocated schools, as per beat plan and carry out assigned responsibilities.
  • To ensure preparation of lesson plan by teacher, observe the class and share feedback.
  • To hold pedagogy centered discussions with all the teachers.
  • To support Head Teacher in managing the quality of teaching learning processes.
  • To review students’ notebooks and teachers’ portfolios of their class.
  • To evaluate training needs of weak teachers and planning remedial training.
  • To ensure smooth conduct of spot test, TSKT, diagnostic test and exit test.
  • To conduct need-based teachers’ training in School.
  • To check and verify various school documents (attendance, staff meeting, Visitors, Incoming/Outgoing, MDM, PTM etc.).
  • To develop and monitor school development plan. Also take corrective action at School level basis various data provided like remedial, Hello English, DCR and TSKT etc.
  • To monitor virtual classes and ensure teachers are delivering quality classes.
  • To ensure adherence of guidelines / processes as issued by Head office.
  • To support in MSR preparation.
  • To carry out overall supervision of the MDM process, vendor selection, monitoring, reconciliation of bill and payments.
  • To attend and resolve complaints of teaching staff, students and parents.
  • To oversee School discipline (teachers & students).
  • To support in organizing periodic events at school level.
  • To liaise with village Sarpanch and Community and other influential persons.
  • Interact with parents during PTM and otherwise also.
  • To conduct community surveys as and when required.
Position Title Cluster Coordinator
Band F
Department/Function Program Implementation
Location Rewari
Number of Positions 02
Reporting to (Designation/Role) District Coordinator
Reported by (Designation/Role) Head Teachers
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35 years
Qualification Graduate with B.Ed / MSW / MBA
Experience (in years) 04-06 years in social sector with understanding of education.
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Communication and presentation skills
  • Planning & execution capabilities
  • People management capabilities
  • Ability to work with cross function teams
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • To visit allocated schools, as per beat plan and carry out assigned responsibilities.
  • To ensure preparation of lesson plan by teacher, observe the class and share feedback.
  • To hold pedagogy centered discussions with all the teachers.
  • To support Head Teacher in managing the quality of teaching learning processes.
  • To review students’ notebooks and teachers’ portfolios of their class.
  • To evaluate training needs of weak teachers and planning remedial training.
  • To ensure smooth conduct of spot test, TSKT, diagnostic test and exit test.
  • To conduct need-based teachers’ training in School.
  • To check and verify various school documents (attendance, staff meeting, Visitors, Incoming/Outgoing, MDM, PTM etc.).
  • To develop and monitor school development plan. Also take corrective action at School level basis various data provided like remedial, Hello English, DCR and TSKT etc.
  • To monitor virtual classes and ensure teachers are delivering quality classes.
  • To ensure adherence of guidelines / processes as issued by Head office.
  • To support in MSR preparation.
  • To carry out overall supervision of the MDM process, vendor selection, monitoring, reconciliation of bill and payments.
  • To attend and resolve complaints of teaching staff, students and parents.
  • To oversee School discipline (teachers & students).
  • To support in organizing periodic events at school level.
  • To liaise with village Sarpanch and Community and other influential persons.
  • Interact with parents during PTM and otherwise also.
  • To conduct community surveys as and when required.
Position Title Cluster Coordinator
Band F
Department/Function Program Implementation
Location Ludhiana East (Khanna)
Number of Positions 02
Reporting to (Designation/Role) District Coordinator
Reported by (Designation/Role) Head Teachers
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35 years
Qualification Graduate with B.Ed / MSW / MBA
Experience (in years) 04-06 years in social sector with understanding of education.
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Communication and presentation skills
  • Planning & execution capabilities
  • People management capabilities
  • Ability to work with cross function teams
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • To visit allocated schools, as per beat plan and carry out assigned responsibilities.
  • To ensure preparation of lesson plan by teacher, observe the class and share feedback.
  • To hold pedagogy centered discussions with all the teachers.
  • To support Head Teacher in managing the quality of teaching learning processes.
  • To review students’ notebooks and teachers’ portfolios of their class.
  • To evaluate training needs of weak teachers and planning remedial training.
  • To ensure smooth conduct of spot test, TSKT, diagnostic test and exit test.
  • To conduct need-based teachers’ training in School.
  • To check and verify various school documents (attendance, staff meeting, Visitors, Incoming/Outgoing, MDM, PTM etc.).
  • To develop and monitor school development plan. Also take corrective action at School level basis various data provided like remedial, Hello English, DCR and TSKT etc.
  • To monitor virtual classes and ensure teachers are delivering quality classes.
  • To ensure adherence of guidelines / processes as issued by Head office.
  • To support in MSR preparation.
  • To carry out overall supervision of the MDM process, vendor selection, monitoring, reconciliation of bill and payments.
  • To attend and resolve complaints of teaching staff, students and parents.
  • To oversee School discipline (teachers & students).
  • To support in organizing periodic events at school level.
  • To liaise with village Sarpanch and Community and other influential persons.
  • Interact with parents during PTM and otherwise also.
  • To conduct community surveys as and when required.
Position Title Cluster Coordinator
Band F
Department/Function Program Implementation
Location Sangrur (Punjab)
Number of Positions 02
Reporting to (Designation/Role) District Coordinator
Reported by (Designation/Role) Head Teachers
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35 years
Qualification Graduate with B.Ed / MSW / MBA
Experience (in years) 04-06 years in social sector with understanding of education.
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Analytical skills
  • Communication and presentation skills
  • Planning & execution capabilities
  • People management capabilities
  • Ability to work with cross function teams
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • To visit allocated schools, as per beat plan and carry out assigned responsibilities.
  • To ensure preparation of lesson plan by teacher, observe the class and share feedback.
  • To hold pedagogy centered discussions with all the teachers.
  • To support Head Teacher in managing the quality of teaching learning processes.
  • To review students’ notebooks and teachers’ portfolios of their class.
  • To evaluate training needs of weak teachers and planning remedial training.
  • To ensure smooth conduct of spot test, TSKT, diagnostic test and exit test.
  • To conduct need-based teachers’ training in School.
  • To check and verify various school documents (attendance, staff meeting, Visitors, Incoming/Outgoing, MDM, PTM etc.).
  • To develop and monitor school development plan. Also take corrective action at School level basis various data provided like remedial, Hello English, DCR and TSKT etc.
  • To monitor virtual classes and ensure teachers are delivering quality classes.
  • To ensure adherence of guidelines / processes as issued by Head office.
  • To support in MSR preparation.
  • To carry out overall supervision of the MDM process, vendor selection, monitoring, reconciliation of bill and payments.
  • To attend and resolve complaints of teaching staff, students and parents.
  • To oversee School discipline (teachers & students).
  • To support in organizing periodic events at school level.
  • To liaise with village Sarpanch and Community and other influential persons.
  • Interact with parents during PTM and otherwise also.
  • To conduct community surveys as and when required.
Position Title Trainer – Quality Support Program
Band 1
Department/Function Training & Curriculum
Location City Jammu
State J&K
Number of Positions 1
Reporting to (Designation/Role) Sr. Manager Training
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 45
Qualification Graduation / Post Graduate + B.Ed (Mandatory)
Experience (in years) Minimum 6-8 years of experience in teaching/teachers’ training/teachers’ mentoring
  • Communication & Presentation skills
  • Facilitation Skills
  • Innovation and creativity
  • Service & Quality orientation
  • Interpersonal Relationship


  • Experience of working in a Government project
  • Must know local language (Read, Write and Speak)
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • Training Need Assessment in the designated area (State / District/ Block Level)
    • Identify gaps based on feedback from Project Head/Project Coordinators/Regional Heads
    • Propose solution and plan of action with Sr. Manager-Training / Head T&C
  • Planning & deployment of district level training for teachers (Implementation of Training Calendar)
    • Pedagogical/skill based training
    • Leadership training of Head of schools
    • Other selected scholastic/co-scholastic training
  • School Visit and on the job support to the teachers and academic mentors
  • Impact analysis of training organised
  • Managing training data and documentation
  • Academic support to Team
  • Support and Contribute to T&C on other academic assignments related to curriculum, training and assessment
Position Title Principal
Band 1
Department/Function Senior Secondary
Location City Chowgawa
State Punjab
Region 1
Number of Positions 1
Reporting to (Designation/Role) DGM-Program
Reported by (Designation/Role)
Ideal Age Bracket 35-45 Years
  • Full-time master degree in any discipline from a recognized University.
  • B.Ed. (Full time) from a recognized institution, (Part-time from IGNOU only)
  • State level teacher eligibility test (preferred)
Experience (in years)
  • Seven to Ten years of experience in Teaching /Administrative role with minimum 4 years of experience in Academic Leadership. Experience in CBSE Schools will be preferred.
  • Oratory, Go-getter, Analytical
  • Basic Computer Skills, MS Office, Excel, Power Point
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • Set in motion and ongoing monitoring of core academic and non-academic processes in the school
  • Assisting to implement student admission, orientation and registration activities.
  • Will ensure that the school program is compatible with as per the structure of the Sr. Secondary school program. Principal will define the responsibilities of staff members and develop plans for interpreting the school program.
  • Will ensure that instructional objectives for a given subject and/or class are developed, executed by the teachers will involve the faculty and others in meeting the objectives of the Sr. Secondary School program.
  • Will check performance of teachers, will ensure quality of teaching through lesson plans, curriculum completion and track student academic progress and support program by means that include the maintaining of up-to-date student data.
  • Will ensure proper coordination with other Sr. Secondary schools/Jr. Schools of the foundation as per instruction from HO. S/He is responsible to maintain good relationships with students, staff, and parents. The principal complies with established lines of authority.
  • S/He will orient and assist new staff and new students to increase the efficiency of the school and program effectiveness.
  • Will maintain a good rapport with the project stakeholders (Govt. of Punjab, CBSE, and District Education Office, Community, SMC, Parents etc.) to increase their effective participation in the process.
  • Responsible for procurements, maintenance of records as per the process.
  • Assisting in the preparation and management of events, school development plan and ensure its proper implementation.
  • Along with the Admin Officer, the Vice Principal will organize, oversee, and provide support to the various services, supplies, material, and equipment provided to carry out the school program.
  • Responsible in assisting in the development and establishing of the school goals/Bharti Foundation’s goals and objectives and the planning of the schools instructional program.
  • Responsible for providing direction to staff in implementing goals and objectives and interacts and meets with staff to assist in their development. Updating School website, assisting in student assembly, disbursal. Acting as a medium between School and stakeholders.
  • Will assist the team members for school audits, taking action on audit observations. Ensuring timely submission of reports to HO/CBSE/Punjab Govt.
  • Ensuring Regular follow-up with CBSE for notices, memos, circulars and any new amendments. Alerting the same to the program team/principal for the same.
  • Ensuring effective implementation of School Process (child safety, school safety, and disseminating information about school disciplinary policies and procedures to parents, students, staff and community).
  • Ensuring proper implementation of Mid-Day Meal (MDM) program, ensuring quality of MDM on daily basis.
  • Updating daily activities to the Principal and ensuing to improve the quality of school effectiveness on daily basis.
  • Attending and conducting events, seminars, workshops, trainings, conferences, and review meetings as per the HO / Program requirement.
  • Any other responsibilities assigned as per requirement.

Position Title Assistant Manager MIS
Band 1
Department/Function MIS
Location City Gurgaon State Haryana
Region HO
Number of Positions 1
Reporting to (Designation/Role) Sr. Manager Knowledge Management
Reported by (Designation/Role) None
Ideal Age Bracket 25-35
Qualification Graduate/Post Graduate
Experience (in years) 4-6 YEARS
  • Good at communication skills
  • Working knowledge of MS office
  • Logical Thinking & Analysis ability
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • Compile and present the CEO’s Monthly School Report (MSR) for ongoing policy and management level decisions.
  • Prepare Monthly KPIs Report.
  • Compile and present the Annualized School Report Card.
  • Preparation of Enrolment Projection.
  • Ensure correct data capture by cleaning & correcting the MSR by intensely coordinating with field.
  • Monitoring program data trends over a specific period of time and raise concerns, if any, affecting organizational KRAs.
  • Facilitate data requirements for other Departments.
  • Special focus on teacher related aspects in coordination with T&C (teacher assessments) and HR (teacher’s requirement).
  • Consolidate and analyze data on organizational KRAs to facilitate “internal action research”.
  • Programmatic inputs to other Teams.
  • Development and implementation of web-based Monthly Information System in coordination with IT Department.
  • Training & support to the field on Web based MSR.
  • Ongoing assessment on comparative learning level and holistic development.
  • Business plans based on school capacity taking into consideration the existing external environment.

Position Title Assistant Manager – Quality
Band 1
Department/Function Quality Management
Location City Delhi NCR (Gurugram Honda Chowk Office/HO) State Haryana
Region HO
Number of Positions 1
Reporting to (Designation/Role) Head – Quality Management
Reported by (Designation/Role)
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35 years
Qualification Bachelor’s degree. Relevant certifications in quality (e.g., Six Sigma, Lean) is a plus.
Experience (in years) Minimum of 5 years of experience in quality management or a related role, with a strong background in quality assurance methodologies.
  • Proficiency in change management methodologies such as Lean and Six Sigma.
  • Strong project management skills, including the ability to create and manage project plans.
  • Excellent data analysis skills to identify patterns and draw actionable inferences.
  • Experience with process audits and identifying improvement opportunities.
  • Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office, capable of preparing detailed reports and presentations.
  • Strong stakeholder management and communication skills.
  • Ability to work effectively as part of a team and collaborate with others.
  • Willingness to travel as needed.
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • Quality Assurance: Ensure all services meet consistent standards.
  • Process Audits: Perform regular process audits, challenge existing processes, and identify opportunities for improvement.
  • Change Methodologies: Implement and oversee change methodologies (e.g., Lean, Six Sigma) to drive continuous improvement.
  • Project Management: Develop and manage project plans, solve problems using data-driven approaches, co-create solutions with stakeholders, and monitor the implementation of actions.
  • Data Analysis: Conduct data analysis to identify patterns, draw inferences, and provide actionable insights.
  • Reporting and Documentation: Prepare detailed reports and professional presentations using Microsoft Office tools.
  • Stakeholder Management: Manage stakeholder relationships to create acceptance of quality observations and drive joint improvement initiatives.
  • Team Collaboration: Foster a collaborative environment within the team, leveraging team strengths to achieve timely and thorough completion of quality tasks.
  • Compliance and Standards: Ensure all products and services comply with relevant regulations, including data privacy policies, information security policies, and other applicable standards and guidelines.

Position Title Manager – Research
Band B1
Department/Function Knowledge Management
Location (City) Gurgaon
State Haryana
Region Head Office
Number of Positions One
Reporting to (Designation/Role) DGM – Knowledge Management
Reported by (Designation/Role) NA
Ideal Age Bracket 30 – 40 years
Experience (in years) 10+ years
  • Strong knowledge of Research Methodology
  • Excellent knowledge of MS Office especially Advanced Excel
  • Sound analytical skills
  • High level of planning & execution capabilities
  • Should be able to work with cross function teams across all levels
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • Research studies – External
    • LifeSkill Assessment for QSP School
    • Teacher’s training assessment for SBS School
    • Student’s learning level assessment for SBS School
  • Research studies – Internal
    • Student’s availing tuition/coaching classes in SBS
  • Internship partnership and program
    • Relationship management and engagement with institutions/college
    • On-boarding internship students and formalities
    • Formulating study plan and field work/support
  • Donation support to NGOs/scholarships as per instructions of trustees
    • Documentation and follow up with all donation partners
    • Co-ordination and relationship management
    • Fund release
  • Conference – Convoke
    • Event planning, discussion, brainstorming, getting the vendor, negotiation
    • Before, During and After event engagement
    • Brand building and co-ordination
  • Support to program team
    • Program data analysis
    • Management reports
    • Award co-ordination

Position Title Assistant Manager – Quality
Band 1
Department/Function Quality Management
Location (City) Delhi NCR (Gurugram Honda Chowk Office/HO)
State Haryana
Region HO
Number of Positions 1
Reporting to (Designation/Role) Head – Quality Management
Reported by (Designation/Role)
Ideal Age Bracket Up to 35 years
Qualification Bachelor’s degree. Relevant certifications in quality (e.g., Six Sigma, Lean) is a plus.
Experience (in years) Minimum of 5 years of experience in quality management or a related role, with a strong background in quality assurance methodologies.
  • Proficiency in change management methodologies such as Lean and Six Sigma
  • Strong project management skills, including the ability to create and manage project plans
  • Excellent data analysis skills to identify patterns and draw actionable inferences
  • Experience with process audits and identifying improvement opportunities
  • Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office, capable of preparing detailed reports and presentations
  • Strong stakeholder management and communication skills
  • Ability to work effectively as part of a team and collaborate with others
  • Willingness to travel as needed

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Experience with technology-led improvements and familiarity with low code/no code platforms like Zoho Creator
  • Understanding of data privacy policies, information security policies, and various compliance standards (e.g., NCPCR, NBC, UNCRC, Juvenile Justice, NDMA, CPCRC, CBSE Guidelines)
  • Experience in the edtech industry
Key Roles & Responsibilities
  • Quality Assurance: To ensure all services meet consistent standards
  • Process Audits: Perform regular process audits, challenge existing processes, and identify opportunities for improvement
  • Change Methodologies: Implement and oversee change methodologies, including Lean and Six Sigma, to drive continuous improvement
  • Project Management: Develop and manage project plans, solve problems using data-driven approaches, co-create solutions with stakeholders, and monitor the implementation of actions
  • Data Analysis: Conduct data analysis to identify patterns, draw inferences, and provide actionable insights
  • Reporting and Documentation: Prepare detailed reports and professional presentations using Microsoft Office tools
  • Stakeholder Management: Manage stakeholder relationships to create acceptance of quality observations and drive joint improvement initiatives
  • Team Collaboration: Foster a collaborative environment within the team, leveraging team strengths to achieve timely and thorough completion of quality tasks
  • Compliance and Standards: Ensure all products and services comply with relevant regulations, including data privacy policies, information security policies, and other applicable standards and guidelines